Curial cardinal: abortion worse than child abuse.

from KATH.NET - Katholischer Nachrichtendienst

Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, the new prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and former Primate of the Catholic Church in Spain desr in an interview with Spanish television channel TV3, the killing of unborn children as "serious" as the thousands of child abuse cases which have been made public, reported by the "Süddeutsche newspaper reported. The thousands of cases of abuse of children in institutions of the Catholic Church in Ireland was not as serious as abortion. "What some (Irish) schools may be done, is not to be compared with the millions of lives destroyed by abortion ," said the cardinal, but he makes clear that the abuse of children in Ireland was subject to "absolute condemnation" . "We must apologize." Cañizares was appointed by the Pope to be Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship.


Scott M said…
Come on, chicken, post it.