Cathcon on active participation

Church Latin -Times Online - link now broken.

Anyone who thinks that active participation has been enhanced by the modern Mass should travel across Europe attending Mass. Sit in the front row at each Mass, and at the Sanctus, prior to the Consecration, take a backwards glance at the congregation. Then go to a Latin Mass and do the same.

The Latin Mass is not being forced on anyone and in Brussels where I live, it is a magnet even among those who know no Latin. The mere externals so often found in the modern Mass, modern man and woman see as distractions, ultimately banal.


fr jim said…
and what will you see?

what I see at the Latin Masses I attend is a bunch of attentive holy people, in love with the Lord & His Holy Church.

However, I also see, as I do at the English Masses, people watching each other (and the priest) for any "mistakes."
There are a group of traditionalists in our diocese here in Penna. who will not attend Holy Mass when celebrated by a priest who is getting older and, at times, a bit confused.

Banality is not limited to the moderns alone.