Chairman of German Catholic Bishops' Conference shows his true colours- Cathcon became April Fool!

Limitation to core business

Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg resigns - as a theological consultant to the Ecumenical Network "Initiative Church from Below". He had very much enjoyed "mutually beneficial cooperation on their theological advisory board" of the Association, said Zollitsch at a board meeting in Bonn. But his new post as Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference forced him "to limit myself to my core business". "Church from Below" is a coalition of nearly forty "base communities, churches and social groups in the tradition of the political left of Catholicism and Protestantism and liberation theology". Archbishop Zollitsch was for several years a member of the Theological Advisory Council of the Federation. The Board was formed in 1980 by the late Jesuit and conciliar theologian, Karl Rahner.

Cathcon puts 2 and 2 together and makes 4. Research assistant to Karl Rahner was one Karl Lehmann, later Cardinal and predecessor of Zollitsch as Chairman of the Bishops' Conference. Any thought that Cardinal Lehmann would use his influence to get a man in his own image elected as his successor should be immediately be dismissed.

Rahner and Lehmann at the Council

Update 2023: Source originally was Radio Vatican- Link now broken.  Update 2023, this was apparently an April Fool by Vatican Radio.   You would have to be more nerdy than Cathcon to spot it and, as they say, the cap fitted Zollitsch perfectly.
