German Protestant Attack on Rowan Williams

Extract from Bishop Huber's speech- end of section 5

In all Western societies, there is currently widespread concern about the formation of parallel societies; everywhere one must work for integration and the strengthening of social cohesion. This was also the concern of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, who yesterday made a surprise proposal. He has proposed that Muslims in Britain for certain legal areas can choose whether to apply British law or be subject to Sharia - so they should, for example, have the opportunity of going to a sharia court in marriage or financial disputes.

I support the objective, of strengthening integration and social cohesion. But the proposed compromise, I reject. I think it is wrong to assume a double law system and hope for integration as a result. Cultural and religious particularities can be allowed for within the existing law which applies for all, but they cannot enter into competition. The only open question is how far religious influences have a legitimate place within a legal system or can be involved in the formulation of legislation. The idea that Sharia law could have force in law in specific legal areas or for certain groups, I think, on the other hand, to be out of the question. I also find it not correct to enhance the status of a legal system, which in some countries contains the provision that the change of religion is a 'apostasy from Islam' and should be punished with death. Against such an extension has incidentally Archbishop Rowan Williams stated explicitly,

"No one, in their right mind, wishes to see in this country the brutalities associated with the legal practice in some Islamic countries." (Cathcon- cannot yet find the Williams original)

Can someone translate the Archbishop's speech into English- not sure what language it is written in.?
