Marini on Stilts

Archbishop Marini describes the idea of the Consilium to implement the constitution on the Sacred Liturgy in an extract from his new book, which is to be launched in the Palace of the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster in December.

The Liturgical Press also published the greatest gift for those who are unable to sleep, the memoirs of Marini's master, the evil Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, see Cathcon passim. This I purchased them for 5 dollars in a spring sale. A book that scales the heights of self-justification is never going to sell well.

The latest offering from Marini is not written out of love for the Church but rather anger, as everything that he has stood for throughout his career slowing disolves before his eyes.

The title comes from Bentham's comment that natural rights are nonsense on stilts.

As the same said
“…there is no right which, when the abolition of it is advantageous to society, should not be abolished.”

Which perhaps could be paraphrased

“…there is no Rite which, when the abolition of it is advantageous to the liturgical elite, should not be abolished.” Marini, Bugnini and the et all of modern liturgists.
