Serial murder of Preston Churches

In Lancashire, once the most Catholic part of England. No apologies for the strong language. Jesuit Gillibrands did not live in fear of their lives and on the run for these guys to close the fruits of their fidelity.

If the Bishop had been rather more concerned with the salvation of souls, rather than refugee rights or inter-religious dialogue, they would not be in this mess today.

Whatever one's position on refugee rights, other people can take them up. It does not require a bishop.

The list of the Churches to close. How can they close any Church, but how can you even think of closing one under the patronage of the English Martyrs.

I am told that this is the result of lay management of the Diocese. The Bishop himself makes policy in the air rather than reality. I heard him once being asked what Muhammedism contributes to human culture. Despite being an expert in inter-religious dialogue, he did not know the answer and seemed to think that Sufism was mainstream Muhammedism. Incredible to say, he was once in charge of Allen Hall, the Diocese of London seminary.
