Disgraced Archbishop Weakland

was attacking the Benedictine restoration even before Cardinal Ratzinger was Pope.

I happened to bring the news of Weakland's resignation to Michael Davies.

"Weakland's gone"

"Good" and he carried on drinking his beer.

Mr Davies on Weakland.

"The cover article in the June 7-14 issue of the Jesuit journal America contained the good news that Archbishop Rembert Weakland is upset. Anything that upsets this Archbishop is good news for every Catholic with a true sensus Catholicus, a sense of what being a Catholic really means."


Anita Moore said…
Drat. That link to Mr. Davies on Weakland doesn't work.
Whole site is not working. It is very good when it returns.
Anita Moore said…
Well, I'm looking forward to seeing it, so I hope it gets fixed soon!