Clear heresy

in the Diocese of Linz

"Das Argument, es könnten nur Männer geweiht werden, weil Jesus Mann war und nur Männer als Apostel berufen hat, überzeugt die Vollversammlung nicht, weil im Licht der theologischen Forschung das Amt als Ereignis der Kirche zu sehen sei und nicht als unmittelbar vom historischen Jesus eingesetzt."

"The argument that only men could be ordained because Jesus was a man and only had called men to be apostles, did not convince the General Assembly, as in the light of theoligical research the office should be seen as a Church event and not as established directly by Christ"

In contrast:

Session 23 Canon 3 of the Council of Trent
"If any one saith, that order, or sacred ordination, is not truly and properly a sacrament instituted by Christ the Lord; or, that it is a kind of human figment devised by men unskilled in ecclesiastical matters; or, that it is only a kind of rite for choosing ministers of the Word of God and of the sacraments: let him be anathema."


Constantine said…
Seriously, I don't have a problem with female priests.

Likewise, I don't have problems with the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny.

I can't have a problem with something that doesn't exist =)
Blessed Duns Scotus

Therefore the Bishop in conferring Orders on a woman, not only does wrong, because it is against Christ’s precept, but rather does nothing, nor does she receive anything, because she herself is not material capable of receiving this sacrament. Because Christ instituted that this sacrament be conferred only upon an individual of the human species and the masculine sex. It is clear from the authority of the Apostle,in Timoth.2.
Eric John said…
There's also a tradition (albeit I have no corroboration) that the Apostles approached the Mother of God, asking about who should be priests. The feeling amongst them was that she should have a part, but she said, "Only men will be priests."

It's also interesting to note that the one who is blessed among women wears ecclesial cuffs in her icons and has, at least in appearing to one saint, sat down in the bishop's throne. So, there's really no need for female priests. That has its fulfillment in the Most Holy Virgin.